Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spiritually speaking is heaven or beauty really in the eye of the?

beer holder ?Spiritually speaking is heaven or beauty really in the eye of the?
You know what they say, after closing time, no one is ugly anymore...Spiritually speaking is heaven or beauty really in the eye of the?
I don't know really, maybe in the sense of who people choose as mates because everyone has their own personal preferences to what they find attractive. But yet alot of art is beautiful, like the renaissance time period, still to this day it still remains some of the best art that has ever lived. I don't really know what i'm trying to say.... Everyone has their own standards towards aestethics....

My college professor said '; Beauty is beyond mere taste and fantasy';
';in the eye of the? ... beer holder ?';

About twenty years ago my 2nd brother and I went to the pub; we planned a long night of pool playing and beer.

As we entered I saw a girl over there and said to bro: check that out.

We agreed she was a five at best and agreed to look at her every hour or so to see if the rating changed.

By the time we left she was a 9.5 and extremely desirable.

But we didn't suc cumb.

When it comes to being a beer holder, who knows what vision would take place at any given time
Go worship Madeline O'hare
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!! love the spell check

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